+43 1 533 36 20 office@financetuner.com
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Do you want to increase transparency in your worldwide bank fees or to identify hidden potentials?

FinanceTuner have the right concept for it.

FinanceTuner are the european market leader for global benchmarking of bank fees.
We create worldwide transparency in each type of bank services including number of transactions.
Using our benchmarks we identify all hidden potentials.
We FinanceTuner show to the point, where saving potentials in your bank fees are hidden.
Our  proactive support reduces the workload for you and your colleagues to a minimum up to 90%.

Benchmarking Preanalysis

First identification of potentials cost/benefit

Transparency and Benchmarking

Customized questionnaires


Preparation and support for Banknegotiations

Benchmarking preanalysis



The Benchmarking preanalysis shows, if sufficient potentials can be identified by bank and country. This gives you a first calculation of the expected chances, costs and the realizable savings according to our experience.

You also receive a cost- benefit calculation showing potential savings in comparison to your costs and the cash break even time for your decision.

Transparency and Benchmarking

We developed standardized processes which allow us to customize our countryspecific bankquestionnaires ready to be sent by you. Therefore we deliver transparency in the deepest detail for all bank services including number of pieces.

Our benchmarks are reachable objectives for you in your bank negotiations and show your market-conformity.

They were created in our customer projects, are up to date including all qualitative parameters of your bank relations.

Implementation in Banknegotiations


All bank meetings are prepared by us.

The presentations for bank meetings include all quantitative and qualitative objectives. Bank offer inputsheets include all information well structured for the bank.

Offers are evaluated by us and the objectives can be implemented without changing banks.

Optional we offer to accompany you in the banknegotiations.

What satified customers tell about FinanceTuner

„FinanceTuner keep their promises.“

„We reached more goals than expected and appreciate the conservative planing approach.“

„The preparation of the bank fees in the deepest detail was very well structured.“

„Reliable partners with a good feeling for people.“

„We were surprised how little effort was necessary from our side“

FinanceTuner offer benchmarks in all coloured countries.

Realized savings in:

  • USA and North America: 20% – 50%
  • South America: 10% -20%
  • EUROPE CEE, South, UK: 20% – 40%
  • EUROPE WEST/NORTH: 10% – 30%
  • Middle East, North Africa: 10% – 20%
  • South Africa: 20% – 40%
  • APAC: 10% – 30%

The red ones are high price banks countries.


Our Team

-ready to support you!

developed FinanceTuner in the last 20 years to the leading  bank relationship benchmarking company

Roland Kraus, Mag.

Senior FinanceTuner CEO

Barbara Kalcher, Mag.

Customer Support, Account Manager, Office Management

Noemi Zahradnik

Benchmarking Project Manager

Mitglied bei:




FinanceTuner Consulting GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Mag. Roland Kraus
Straße: Bechardgasse 17/3
PLZ / Ort: A-1030 Wien
Telefon: +43 1 533 36 20
E-Mail: office@financetuner.com
Firmenbuch: 114714y
UID-Nr: ATU37089501

FinanceTuner & Co. k.s.
SK- 81106 Bratislava, Stefanikova 7